LiU launches open educational resources portal

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During Open Access Week 2024, LiU E-Press launches a new web portal for open educational resources. Via the new portal, students can access books used at LiU for educational purposes. The Library can also help you to create and publish short videos as a teaching aid. 

Open educational resources are an important part of open science. When books, videos and other material are made openly available online, they will be more accessible and learning will be more affordable.

Go to the portal: Open Educational Resources

Are you the author of a textbook that you want to publish online?

If a book that you have written is no longer in print or you want to make a video for teaching purposes, you are welcome to email us at

Open Access Week

Open Access Week, 21st to 27th of October, is a global initiative with a focus on open access and open science. During Open Access Week 2024, the Library will be hosting a series of open webinars. Read more at 

New course: Open Science for PhD Students

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Being able to navigate an open research landscape will be an important skill for future researchers. A new course hosted by the Library for doctoral students will give you an good foundation. The course will address topics such as search strategies for publications and research data, strategic publishing, and bibliometrics.  

The complete course is in English, and consists if ten lectures online. The course is offered each autumn and is especially designed for doctoral students at an early stage of their doctoral studies. But everyone is welcome to join, and it is also possible to sign up for individual lectures. 

Read more at LiUNet
Registration is open! Register here!
Register for individual lectures

Open Access Week

Open Access Week, 21st to 27th of October, is a global initiative with a focus on open access and open science. During Open Access Week 2024, the Library will be hosting a series of open webinars. Read more at 

Discover Liunet – your online study compass

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Imagine a site where all important information that you need for your studies is collected, from access to timetables to tools to facilitate your learning. Actually, there is such a site – Liunet Student.

All that you need in one place

Liunet is the navigating aid you need during your time at LiU. Here you can access tools for finding your way around campus, booking a study room, and keeping track of your timetable. Via Liunet, you can also download software that are essential when studying, and find tips on how to make your learning more efficient and joyful.

The Library is there to help you when you need it

When studying at university it is sometimes easy to get stuck, especially when you need to find scholarly sources and to evaluate them ahead of using them in your paper or report. The University Library is here to help you and can offer you the tools you need to succeed.

At the Library’s pages on Liunet, there is information about how to access the books and articles that you need for your courses. Many of them are available online, and via the Library you can access our e-resources from home and around the clock.

But the Library offers more than publications. Via Liunet, you can find and register for workshops, lectures and webinars on topics such as Python programming, reference management software, Excel, and how to use and get access to equipment such as sewing machines, VR gear, and 3D printers. Regardless if you are a beginner or have previous experience with such equipment, there is always something for you.

Become your own expert

At Liunet, there are guides and resources that will help you enhance your study skills, such as abilities in information seeking, evaluating sources, academic writing and presentations. With such skills in your arsenal, you will be set to achieve your goals at LiU.

Welcome to Liunet!

Access to Liunet

As soon as you have received your LiU-ID you can access Liunet. There are many ways to get there, for example under “Internal” in the footer of every page on and via Lisam (use the LiU icon to reach the “Digital entrance” and click Liunet).

Log in to Liunet

By: Rebecka Öhrn, librarian, Valla Library

Translated by Peter Igelström

The Library implements LiUdesk

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From Wednesday 12 June, the Library will be using the ticket management system LiUdesk, already in use by other services at Linköping University.

When you email us as a student or employee at LiU, you will receive our reply via LiUdesk. Via email, you will receive a link to your LiUdesk ticket, where you log in with your LiU-ID to see and reply to the message. Users outside of LiU will receive their reply directly via email.

The transition to LiUdesk will improve information security and the handling of tickets, and will harmonize library routines with those of other LiU services.

A new library chat is under procurement. The new online chat will be implemented after the summer break.

Contact the Library

Summer at the Library

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Linköping University Library wish you happy summer! Here are some tips for the summer and information about library services during the summer period:

From 27 May to 31 July, the loan period for books is extended. All standard loan items borrowed during this period will get the due date 21 August, provided there is no reservation on the item, in which case the loan period will be one week as usual.

If you are thinking about which books to read this summer, you can find recommendations for summer reading with the book exhibit on the theme “Artificial Intelligence – Teachings from Science Fiction” on the third floor in Studenthuset at Campus Valla.

Library opening hours during summer can be found in the following overview. Please note that Campus Norrköping Library is closed between 22 July and 4 August. Self-service hours are on hiatus between 8 June and 18 August.

Medical Library is closed from 22 July to 4 August, and there are no self-service hours between 8 June and 25 August.

More about self-service hours

The Library’s interlibrary loan service will be closed for two weeks, between 15 July and 28 July. Interlibrary loan requests will not be processed during this period and Linköping University Library will not be able to deliver interlibrary loans to other libraries.

Library at