Alumni information seeking in working life

*detta inlägg finns också på svenska*

Finding information in your working life

As a recent or not so recent LiU Alumn you have already noticed that all the fantastic information resources that the University library makes accessible to you is no longer as easily available to you outside of our campuses. Do not despair, there are ways to reach freely available resources of high quality.

If you are still in Sweden, all Swedish university libraries, and their resources in the form of journals and databases, are open to the public on a “walk-in-basis” once you have registered for a library card.  If you don’t have a university nearby your local public library can  help you get an inter-library loan from a university library.

If you don’t have time to leave your office there are other solutions and the Survival guide below can be your map.
                                                                                                                                                                One way to access publications is to install Unpaywall which helps you localize free versions of articles you find using Google scholar. Depending on your discipline search in PubMedCentral or Arxiv.

LiU’s repository DiVA, where our researchers register and publish the results of their research, is still available to you of course. In the national version of DiVA you can find research results from most Swedish universities and some research institutes such as Sw. Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Sw. Environmental Protection Agency, Sw. Transport Administration and Sw. National Road and Transport Research Institute.
Everything published and printed in Sweden is registered in the national catalogue Libris where you also find reports and publications from government agencies and research institutes often as pdf:s in full text.

Kajsa Gustafsson Åman, Senior librarian, head of Campus Norrköping library

“Dubbelkvart” aktuellt från biblioteket om forsknings- och undervisningsstöd

** This blogpost is also available in English **

“Dubbelkvart” kommer till Norrköping

“Dubbelkvart” är namnet på Universitetsbibliotekets korta, öppna lunchföredrag om aktuella frågor inom forsknings- och undervisningsstöd.  På Campus Norrköping blir det fem tillfällen under vårterminen 2020.

Vi håller till i Utsikten, plan 7 i Kåkenhus så ta med din kaffekopp efter lunchen och kom och lyssna. Samtliga tillfällen kl. 12.15 – kl. 12.45. Se datum nedan.

Vårens program tar upp  Bibliometri, Plan S och Open Science, Att sprida sin forskning, Planera undervisning med biblioteket och Alumners tillgång till kvalificerad information.  Föredragen kommer att  hållas på engelska.  Se fullständigt program nedan.

Har du frågor får du gärna vända dig till Kerstin Annerbo eller Britt Omstedt, Campus Norrköpings bibliotek.




Nytt open accessavtal med storförlagen Wiley och SAGE

** This blogpost is also available in English **


Vad betyder detta för dig som forskare?

Att du fr.o.m. januari 2020 kan publicera dig open access utan kostnad i Wileys tidskrifter, både ren open access och i hybridtidskrifter.

Att du från fr.o.m. januari 2020 kan publicera dig open acess utan kostnad i SAGEs hybridtidkrifter. Publicerar du dig i en av förlagets rena open accesstidskrifter får du 20% rabatt (du kan än så länge ansöka om resterande belopp från vårt tillfälliga open access-stöd.

Detta är så kallade transformativa avtal som innebär att forskare kan sprida sin forskning öppet, och kan tillmötesgå forskningsfinansiärerna krav om open access. Tranformation består av att tidskrifterna på sikt blir helt öppet tillgängliga, och att kostnaden för avtalen förskjuts från att betala för läsning till att betala för forskarnas publiceringskostnader.

Linköpings Universitetsbibliotek har nu avtal med de största förlagen i världen – Springer, Taylor & Francis,och från årsskiftet Elsevier, Wiley och SAGE – samt ett antal mindre förlag och lärda sällskap. Det innebär att LiU-forskare kan publicera sig öppet tillgängligt i en stor mängd ledande tidskrifter utan någon kostnad. Du finner en fullständig lista över förlagsavtalen här:


Skrivet av Tanja Blixt, bibliotekarie avdelningen för medieförsörjning

New open access agreements with the large publishers Wiley and SAGE


** Detta blogginlägg är också tillgängligt på svenska **

What does this mean for you as a researcher?

From January 2020 you can publish your research open access in Wiley journals without any cost. This applies to both pure open access journals and hybrid journals.

From January 2020 you can publish your research open access in SAGE hybrid journals. If you publish in SAGE pure open access journals you get 20% off (you can still apply for the rest of the cost from our temporary open access support:

The new agreements are so-called transformative agreements, which means that researchers can disseminate their research openly and compliant to funder open access requirements. The transformation means that over time these journals become purely open access and that the lowering cost of reading is displaced by covering the publishing costs of an increasing number of articles written by LiU researchers.

Linköping University Library now have agreements in place with the largest publishing houses in the world – Springer, Taylor & Francis, and starting 2020 Elsevier, Wiley and SAGE – as well as a number of smaller publishers and learned societies. You can find a complete list of our publisher agreements here:

Written by Tanja Blixt, librarian at department for Asquisitions

New open access agreement with Elsevier

** Detta blogginlägg är också tillgängligt på svenska **

What does this mean for you as a researcher?

From January 2020 you can publish your research open access in Elsevier journals, including Cell Press, and learned society journals. Without any cost. We have also regained reading access to Elsevier journals and you no longer need to use GetItNow or interlibrary loan to get access. Read the press release!

(CLARIFICATION 191203: To publish articles open access without cost, articles must be submitted after 1 January 2020. Hybrid articles in the Lancet family of journals and some learned society journals aren’t covered under the agreement.)

After one and a half years without reading access to any of Elsevier’s journals, Sweden has signed a so-called transformative agreement with the publisher. From January 2020 the library covers all costs for publishing open access in the majority of the publisher’s journals – both hybrid and pure open access. This means that LiU researchers can publish freely without paying a single dime. Publishing under this model is compliant with funder requirements for open access.

During the summer of 2018, negotiations with Elsevier fell apart. Sweden was one of a number of countries that terminated their relationship with the publisher. The reason was that the parties were unable to agree on the matter of open access publishing.

When an increasing number of researchers publish open access, we pay less to access research hidden behind paywalls. Simultaneously, we pay an increasing amount for LiU publishers to cover their article processing charges. This means a transfer of costs from reading to publishing, solving the issue of paying for openly accessible research.


Read more about the background 
Read more about LiU’s publishing agreements
Read more about the new agreement model – transformative agreements – (in Swedish)


Written by Tanja Blixt, librarian at the Acquisitions Department