Are you writing an essay?

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Are you writing an essay/student thesis or are about to? Here are some tips on library resources that will help you in your writing.  

We have books on academic writing, research methods and how to conduct qualitative interviews. We can also offer support regarding citing, referencing and how to avoid plagiarism.

Books about research methods and academic writing

Use the library search service UniSearch to find books and articles. Here are some examples of library books on topics related to academic writing and research methods:

Research interview

Research methods

student campus norrköping
Campus Norrköping Library. Photo: Thor Balkhed

Qualitative research

Quantititative research

Statistical methods

Academic writing

Quoting, referencing and plagiarism

It is very important to cite and refer properly when writing an essay or a student thesis. To know how you are allowed to use someone else’s images in your own work is necessesary to avoid violating copyright.

When writing your essay, use a reference management program, such as Zotero or EndNote, to help you organize your references and create bibliographies. You are welcome to sign up for an introduction via Liunet Student.

Citation technique and styles

More about academic writing and referencing at Liunet student (sign in with LiU-ID required)

Information searching

To find material for your thesis, such as previous research on your chosen topic, use the Library’s databases. Databases after subject area can be found in the database list:


Book an appointment

If you have problems finding relevant sources for your thesis, you are welcome to book an appointment with a librarian.

Book an appointment

Publish your thesis

When you have finished your thesis you probably want to publish it online. Learn more:

Publish your essay at LiU E-Press

Good luck with your writing and please contact us if you have any questions!

By: Peter Igelström, librarian, Valla Library

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